Accepting The Gift

Accepting The Gift

I ‘ve been a huge fan of Sarah Ban Breathnach ever since a dear friend gifted me with Simple Abundance: 365 Days to a balanced and Joyful Life.

I followed her daily meditations not just the first year but re-read the book, following her daily reflections, as I like to think of them. That was more than two decades ago. This past year I felt an urge to read her most recent edition published in 2019. As in previous readings, I am drawn to her encouragements to order my life, create balance and to explore my authentic self. I did not doubt for a moment my authentic self and that inspired by Spirit to create a meaningful life. 

I started reading the newer edition of Simple Abundance in January. Everyday I found delightful, often funny encouragements to do inner work. Ms. Breathnach slowly unfolds a path toward leading a balanced life that involves self-discovery. August 12’s essay was one of those that urged me to act on an idea that I’ve been mulling over for the past several months. It is time act, accept a gift bestowed on me, the inner urge to live creatively. The quote  from August 12’s essay, “The Artist’s Way: Turning to the Higher Harmonic” begins with a quote: “Become willing to see the hand of God and accept it as a friend’s offer to help  you with what you are doing” by Julia Cameron. I am accepting the gift to lead meditation and provide emotional and spiritual support to people grieving and experiencing loss. I am opening my heart and extending my hand to receive guidance and encouragement. I believe as Julia says in The Artist’s Way, “the minute you are willing to accept  the help of this collaborator, you will see useful bits of help everywhere…” 

For the past 3 years, I’ve been leading meditation, spirituality and grief and loss groups in a residential community. Now, I am ready to offer Grief and Loss support and meditation in a private setting. During the pandemic, I worked from home and was able to complete several on line courses; Life Coaching, Mindfulness and Meditation courses. It is time to heed an inner calling.  

If this image causes you to stop for a moment and reflect on the stones balanced on top of each other, grass growing from the green rippling water all suffused in soft light then you had a moment of mindful

I will offer Meditation, on Thursdays at 11am on Zoom.

Grief and Loss support group on Fridays at 11 am either on Zoom or at a location to be announced at a later date. 

Reply on this page if you are interested in the groups I offer.

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