Navigating Life's Waves: Anchored in Prayer

Embarking on a spiritual path

No matter in what faith tradition you began your spiritual journey it involved new beginnings, in fact new beginnings at every one of life’s crossroads. Travelling the spiritual path is less about making rational decisions then making a commitment and investing ones’ energies into living deeply felt principles. It is an incremental step by step journey with no shortcuts. On this path we live less from dogma and external pressures, whatever those may be, and more from inward guidance. On a spiritual path speculation about God and life’s big questions ceases to be a cognitive exercise instead it is leading to living out of love; what we love, do and think willingly forms our religion. The way we live is our religion comments Swedenborg, because the doing of good unites with our thinking of what is good; thinking, intending and acting in beneficial ways toward each other our community and environment becomes a new way of life. Such a life cannot be lived in isolation from community. We need support, encouragement and opportunities to share experiences and guidance from sacred texts, engage in private and communal spiritual practices. We must gather at the table and partake of the great bounty of goodness offered to us not just occasionally but regularly. A banquet table opens to us deep spiritual realities that feed our souls.

All are invited to the great banquet table laden with wonderful foods, figs, grapes, citron, pomegranates breads, meats, fish, grape juice and wine. We share and nurture each other at this table. Be assured, that when you ask, “Please pass the figs, (substitute whatever it is that you hunger for), it will be passed to you.

Still Life
Banquet Table

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Fr. Thomas Keating, O.C.S.O. is a Trappist