Navigating Life's Waves: Anchored in Prayer

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Getting older is the change hardest to accept. Perhaps you are not feeling that in your life yet, you may be riding on a high wave with a sense of “I can do this”, but assuredly ageing is inevitable for all of us. The wave that lifts you up may also carry you down, but, you say, not today.  I say, take a breath hold your breath, you will rise to the surface. And it is wonderful! That is what I say today! I am rewriting this post because I am learning new skills and praying for strength, wisdom to move forward.

Change is hard to accept and even harder to adapt to the constantly occurring change. Changing and adapting to change has been the overarching lesson in my life.

I want to work less hours than I did for many years. I am adjusting my lifestyle to my current income. Perhaps this rings true for you as well. I often say the Serenity Prayer attributed to the American theologian, Reinhold Niebuhr, http://Reinhold Niebuhr

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, 
courage to change the things I can, 
and wisdom to know the difference. 

This year, I am focusing on “now”. In the past couple of years, I’ve acquired new skills. I am embarking on new territory, offering Meditation, Spiritual Companioning, Reiki. With no small amount of trepidation, I created a YouTube channel and began publishing meditations. With each new video, I am gaining confidence. 

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