Navigating Life's Waves: Anchored in Prayer

Opportunities for Self-exploration

Welcome visitors,

Our culture rarely encourages us to submit to soul-searching or asks us to consider life’s most important questions such as “why are we here; what’s the meaning to life and how do we live our life to make a difference”. For the most part we are responsible citizens, faithful spouses and devoted parents, trusting that our actions and beliefs are leading us to reasonably happy ends. Yet there are those nagging questions that come up at difficult times. Circle Community, seeks to provide opportunities to explore these weighty questions to share about your search for happiness and contentment that lie

A path to inward discovery

s beyond the pleasures and distractions our culture offers. We encourage becoming familiar with our inward landscape in a non-judgmental loving way. Workshops, retreats and special worship services are specifically designed to become acquainted with our most inward longings and to support each other along life’s journey. .

We hope you you’ll visit often and post your comments.

Rev. Gabriella

Sunset in Tucson

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Fr. Thomas Keating, O.C.S.O. is a Trappist