Navigating Life's Waves: Anchored in Prayer


Cc post 08-05-2012
Contemplation opens one to divine presence in a way that no other spiritual practice does. According Father Richard Rohr, Fr. Richard Rohr, contemplation offers “emotional sobriety”. It is not goal oriented, has nothing to prove or disprove nor seeks to validate a theological proposition. The Contemplative experience is completely counter intuitive; it does not seek power or to control. Contemplation is self-emptying prayer. Practicing contemplation is difficult because it humbles “self”. In contemplation there is no rejection of tradition or criticism of spiritual practices of ancient times. Those who practice contemplation even at the beginning stage sense intuitively know that contemplatives of all traditions dating back to ancient times must have experienced divine presence. Receiving holy presence is not limited to any one faith tradition any one sect or to any one age. Whatever we receive in meditation or through any spiritual practice is influenced by our unique worldview, our culture and our particular psycho spiritual awareness. We often invoke a popular insight, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. Emanuel Swedenborg explains divine inflow as “according to reception”. Influx according to reception We perceive the “holy” in our limitations. In rare moments I have experienced divine presence. By the time I realized it faded. Contemplation has always been humbling for me and yet restored me to the right relationship between the holy and “my-self”. The contemplative mind is nurtured by the realization that we are inextricably connected to all beings, it longs for true community and deeper insights. In contemplation the window toward God is open.

Rock Window
Window to God

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Fr. Thomas Keating, O.C.S.O. is a Trappist