Fr. Thomas Keating, O.C.S.O. is a Trappist monk and priest, known as one of creators of Centering Prayer, a contemporary method of contemplative prayer, that I had the privilege learning about and practicing in my first year of seminary in Berkeley. You might find it strange that I did not really know or understand prayer until I began seminary. Until then, prayer was a ritual at mealtimes, in church and at night but meditative prayer was new to me. Centering prayer was easy to continue in the Quaker environment. Listening for inward leading is the essence of centering prayer. Father Keating affirms that though contemplative prayer moves one closer into the presence of the divine, however, he asserts that it is not of itself the transformative life changing experience; surrendering one’s ego, is the hard work of transformation. Watch the You Tube video, “Spiritual But Not Religious” with Fr. Thomas Keating and Ken Wilber.
Spiritual But Not Religious (Fr. Thomas Keating and Ken Wilber)
Spiritual But Not Religious
Prayer supports my inward connection to God, my loved ones, our community and our environment. Prayer begins with gratitude. Today, I am grateful for the rain, thankful for this day, for every moment that offers opportunity to act lovingly and kindly.
Rev. Judith Vadergrift offers this inspiration and Prayer for 7/22/12 posted in the worship on the Swedenborgian On-line Community, (see sidebar for the link)
Have you ever wondered what to do when life serves you Lemons?
The old saying is “Make Lemonade!”
I ask myself how to do that and the question takes me back to
basics……Prayer and Communion with the Lord.!!!
“Lord, When I’m tired, bring me inspiration and rest; When I’m stressed and resentful,
bring me calm and acceptance; When I am confused and chaotic bring me focus and clarity;
when I am lonely and lost bring me companions and love. Thank you Lord for your loving mercy
and direction, let me turn to you always in all times both good and bad. I know you are ever with me,
will direct my way with your sweet quiet voice, and light my path with your love. AMEN.”
Rev. Judith
You are invited to post a prayer or request a prayer.